I just got my first award. It's from Becky at My Life As It Should Be. You can visit her at http://mommyfirefly.blogspot.com/
Becky is an old friend of mine. We met on the first day of junior high at the "prison on the hill" as it was so often called. Although we went to school together for 6 years and were friendly with each other we did not become real friends until we became blog friends. She is now a mother of two adorable, busy kids and living in a near by town. She works three jobs and still finds the time to be a baseball mom. I'm hoping we will eventually find the time to meet up in real life and catch up. I am so glad I have a second chance to be friends with Becky!
Along with my award I have to tell 10 honest things about myself. This is a bit harder than I thought it would be. So, here goes.
1. I have control issues. Hubbs calls this being bossy.
2. Sweet tea is my weakness, especially Chick-fil-a sweet tea.
3. I am trying not to be the picky eater I have always been. Just within the past two years I have started eating spinach, broccoli, chick peas, mushrooms, onions and venison.
4. I live by the rule that I will not say anything about another person that I would not say to that person's face.
5. I cracked Tink in the head with the Wii controller while bowling last night. Boy did I feel bad!!
6. My life revolves around Tink.
7. I wish I could be a stay at home mom.
8. I regret living at home and commuting to college and only getting my associates degree. I now wish I had experienced living on campus. I also regret not pursuing my teaching degree.
9. I am very soft spoken. I hardly ever raise my voice or get upset.
10. I try to see at least one good thing in every person.
I also got the friend award from Heidi at The Johnson Family Tales. You can find her at http://johnson5family.blogspot.com/
Heidi is a sweet lady from Georgia who I have had the pleasure of sharing emails with for a few months. She is a busy mom of three. I don't know how she finds the time to do keep up with these three busy kids, blog every day, post awesome recipes (check out her Mini Mama Mia's they are great!), travel and even submit an article for publication in a magazine all the while looking amazing and totally cracking me up. How does she do it??!! I have just loved getting to know Heidi and hearing all about her family.
These directions came along with this award:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find friends and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to other bloggers who must choose to pass this on and include this cleverly- written text into the body of their award."
Like Heidi before me I have decided to change the rules a bit and have changed the words to fit what I am doing. Sorry if this offends anyone, you know, if you are the type who is a stickler for rules.
I am awarding the Honest Blog award to:
Heidi at The Johnson Family Tales
Michelle at One Crafty Mama http://michelle-onecraftymama.blogspot.com/. Michelle is another busy mama who's blog I love to read. She stays busy with two beautiful daughters, takes beautiful photos and lives in sunny CA.
Betty and Boo's mama at Betty and Boo Chronicles http://bettyboochronicles.blogspot.com/ Betty and Boo's mama works outside the home, loves to read and stays busy with twins. She always has something interesting to say, it may be a book review, menu idea, political view or something cute her kids did or said.
I am giving the friend award to:
Becky at My Life As It Should Be.
Amie at Undertoad, you can find her here http://toadslair.blogspot.com/ Amie is another old friend of mine, we also met on the first day of junior high. Amie, Becky and I were all in Mr. Conrad's homeroom that year. Amie is in CA teaching at a University and has just started her own greeting card line. Amie is a beautiful writer and always has something funny or unusual to blog about. I love Amie's sense of humor.
congrats :)
Congrats on your awards and thanks for the shout out! :)
Thank you so very much! Wow. I am really, really flattered by this. Thank you!
Aww shucks, I'm blushing!!!!
Thanks D!
you made me a little teary eyed this morning!!
Thanks for your sweet comments and for the AWARD!
Do you think we love each other so because we have the sweet tea running through our veins :)
And don't forget I'm all about the TP ing if you need me!!
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