Tink and I met up with the Ware's for dinner last night. We try to meet at the BK play area once in a while to let the girls run off some of the crazy energy they seem to have.
During one of their refueling drink breaks Livy-bug informed me she is going to be a preschool teacher when she grows up, just like her Mommy.
I then asked Tink what she was going to be. She smiled and told me "I'm just going to be myself."
Perfect answer darling child, perfect!
Good that is the way it should be. Simply just herself.
Of course in my house it is never that simple, do we remember the truck driving phase, the makeup artist phase, the spa owner/massage person phase, and of course now we are at the "I want to be a cook on tv" phase.
At least she has goals right?
Tink's usual answer is a Dr. I'm not sure where the "just myself" came from, but it's perfect.
It took me a long time to realize I just needed to be myself, no matter what anyone else expected from me.
I think your little one will be great at which ever path she chooses, she's got a fabulous mom to help her along the way.
It's amazing how our kids have it all together and we feel like were still trying to get it all together.
Where did we lose it?
And how do we make sure they never do??
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