Friday, September 11, 2009

First day of school and first soccer game.

You all guessed correctly! The second story was true.

Tink was so excited to go to school. I was relieved by the fact that I am doing my job right. I have given my baby the coping skills and the confidence to handle a new situation with excitement. I was also a bit heart broken by the way she waved me away with a "give me five, up high, down low, too slow!" a smooch on the cheek and a "see you after school!" I was expecting at least a little bit of shyness or not wanting to leave me.

I was a bit nervous all day. I was soooo tempted to write Nie an email, text her or call her cell just to check up on Tink. I also knew she would not have time to check any of these until after school had let out, so they were pointless. (For those of you who know me, you will be proud to know that I resisted the urge to check up on Tink.)

I was at the school 15 minutes before dismissal. When I pulled up I saw Tink's class returning to the school from the playground. Nie waved to me and a few other parents and invited us to follow them into the school. Tink was not amused. When I got close enough she hissed "What are you doing here so early?" then promptly walked away from me into her classroom and began playing with the other kids.

I practically had to drag Tink out of the school and then carried her to the car, she was "just too tired to walk." Poor thing hadn't napped at all and had barely eaten any lunch. She was asleep before we were off the street the school is on.

A two hour nap and dinner and Tink was a totally different kid. I learned all about her fun day and her new friends. Then it was off to her first soccer game.

The soccer game went great! Tink is not aggressive on the field during practice. Her coach has been trying to change this. It finally clicked during the game. Tink got in there and took the ball and ran with it. She even made a goal!!! You should have seen the excitement on her face! Then her coach pointed to the goal and told her next time to take the ball to her teams goal. Poor kid made scored in the wrong goal. That's ok, they don't keep score anyway. I was still proud of her. Tink really enjoyed playing and can't wait for the next game.

I have pics from school and the game, but once again have misplaced my camera cord. Go figure.


Fiauna said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Now onto a whole new life that entails growing up way too fast!!!