Friday, May 22, 2009

What to do?

I am in desperate need of time off work!!! I know, I had a four day weekend last week. I also had a puking kid the entire time, so that doesn't count. Luckily this weekend is a three day weekend.

Now, what to do???

I'm thinking:
  • visit Hubb's brother, Shannon, my cute SIL and niece tonight.
  • hit the Old Navy $1.00 flip flop sale tomorrow morning to stock up for next summer. (Tink and I LOVE flip flops!!!)
  • head to our cabin for the first time this year.
  • spend Sat and Sun nights there so we can cook over a fire pit, swim in the river and relax.
  • head home on Mon.
  • go to Hubb's little cousin's graduation party on Mon afternoon.
  • spend the rest of the day visiting with family and relaxing.

Now, if I can just get Hubbs to agree to this and then get him out of town BEFORE he tells his buddies or his family where we are going. (I don't mind his buddies, it's their goofy wives and my MIL that drive me crazy!)


Anonymous said...

i thought about hitting up the dollar flip flop sale too, but i just bought 2 pair at TJ Maxxs.

Get out of town for awhile, this summer we will have to plan a girls (and arryn) day at audra!

The Johnson 5 said...

I hope it all works out for you!!

The getting AWAY part sounds extra wonderful!!