Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dear Blog,

I'm afraid I didn't realize how neglectful I had become until I clicked on view blog today. I have been reading all the other blogs I follow, just not posting here. I am soooo sorry! I am a bad blogger!

In my own defense I have been rather busy.

I have a small, but steady stream of customers over at Ainsley's Closet on facebook. Which I am LOVING! I have been making more and more hair bows and am now making shirts and matching bows and tutus. Totally cute! I am also getting special orders and love making things for all the little princesses out there. At first people were looking, but no one was buying, recently things have been picking up and it's awesome!

I joined Tink's dance group. (The adult class, not the kiddie class.) It's called Doxa Dance and is a christian dance group, all types of dance are incorporated: ballet, folk, hip hop. It's all set to christian music. Dancing is a little out of my comfort zone and I feel out of practice since I haven't danced in 17 years. This is my ME time. I send Tink home with Hubbs and I get to enjoy the 90 minutes of class with the other moms. They are all pretty funny and goofy and we do a lot of laughing during class. We also have bible study at the beginning of each class and I am learning a lot. I have been helping in the kiddie class a little and love all the girls in Tink's class. For the most part they have been dancing together for 4 semesters now and you get to know each of their personalities a little, they are adorable!

I am still working full time and enjoy my job. There are some days that it gets a little crazy at the office, but for the most part it's pretty quiet.

Hubbs got laid off last week. We're not sure how long he will be off work. It looks like it may be a month or two. This REALLY stinks! In the meantime the extra income I have from Ainsley's Closet is paying for dance classes and for soccer sign ups. Hmmm, guess having my own business is paying off a little, right Hubbs? ( Before Hubbs thought Ainsley's Closet was a big waste of my time, now he admits the stuff I make is adorable and is worth the time I put into it.)

Still no baby. Although right now with only my income that's not such a bad thing. Once Hubbs goes back to work it won't be such a big worry. Who knows, maybe Hubbs being home all the time will help in the baby department ;) With a cousin having a little one any time now and a friend from high school having one later this year I am still going to get to make all the adorable baby things I have floating around in my head.

Back to work now. I will be posting more soon. With pics. I have tons of pics to post!